The Systems Changes category on appreciates ways in which an emphasis on change(s) modifies systems approaches.
- The main landing site for the Systems Changes research program is at Home | Systems Changes .
- One of the multiple perspectives authoring sites is at (on the Federated Wiki software).
- Threaded posts and responses are available at Systems Changes - Open Learning Commons , here, in this category (on the Discourse software).
In addition, members of the Digital Life Collective can enjoy additional collaboration tools.
- Realtime authoring on selected pages is available at (on the CodiMD software).
- Team activity boards for arranging and viewing sequences are at (on the Wekan software)
- There’s a group channel at Mattermost (on the Mattermost software).
The content of this Systems Changes category may overlap with the larger Systems Thinking category. The Systems Changes research program has specified scope, with a community that is focused more narrowly towards converging rigourously on a philosophy and science.