Systems Changes: A Call for Participation (Systems Thinking Ontario, 2019/01/14)

The January 2019 meeting of Systems Thinking Ontario was the official launch of the Systems Changes research program.

The abstract and slides are at

Wrapped up meeting @OCADsLab on chartering a #SystemsChanges program with multi-year horizons, as a change from previous #SystemsThinking Ontario meetings that were episodic. General agreement towards moving forward, lots of details to be worked out. (OCADU Strategic Innovation Lab, 205 Richmond Street West, Toronto, Ontario) 20190114

Based on an agreement with Systems Thinking Ontario organizers at the December dinner, the group allowed my changing the style of the meetings towards more presentation, on a temporary basis. In recent years, I’ve had a lot of material, a backlog that wasn’t formally shared with Systems Thinking Ontario. Some time later in the year, the expectation was that we would return to the regular circle-oriented, reading format on which Systems Thinking Ontario was founded.